The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16549   Message #157811
Posted By: folk1234
04-Jan-00 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: Annap's gathering 1/14/00 Part II
Subject: RE: Annap's gathering 1/14/00 Part II
Sorry Anna, I can't make it. I knew that I couldn't afford the time (2.5 days driving to NJ, 3 days there, 2.5 days driving home, 1 day rest), so I thought I'd look into flying. The lowest fare is over $650.!
I sure will miss meeting those whom I met last year and those, like Moonchild (my most honored foe in the historic battle for the baubbles), whom I haven't yet met.
I will sing a song for y'all on each of the three days. Please have a tall Margarita for me, a reserve a place for me next summer.
Happy chords