The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1578437
Posted By: *daylia*
07-Oct-05 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery
The problem it was trying to solve was the flexing of the MENTALIS muscle thus the name mental habit.

Hmmm - I thought it was a typo, Jimmy. Thanks for clarifying.

The appliance you had with the prongs should never be sharpened but rounded and blunted to prevent injury.

I agree.

Too bad ole Butcher didn't, way back in 67.

You altering the appliance was certainly not in your best interest

I was protecting myself from further injury and pain, Jimmy, as any healthy living creature does. I learned to bend the sharpened metal point inwards, towards the tooth it was cemented to, rather than outwards, the way my orthodontist had it angled --- ie pointing directly into my lower lip.

It was an effective means of rounding and blunting that device. At least stopped it from cutting into the painful, inflamed sore it had caused inside my lip every time I spoke, ate or drank.

Guess at age 9, I figured that was in my best interests.

I pretty much specialise in working with dental phobics, people who have severe issues related to their dentistry and they are suffering as a result of thier own neglect.

Well, I bet you never suffer from lack of patience.

Or patients.

Thanks for everything,
