The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85254   Message #1578456
Posted By: Bobert
07-Oct-05 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Prices???....
Subject: BS: Gas Prices???....
Well, yeah, I've heard all the reasons fir the recent hikes in gasoline prices but given that we have two oilmen runnin' the country, hey, wonder why it took them so long to gouge the working class and working poor people of the country???

But, lets just shove them politics to the side... I just return from vacation to Rehobeth Beach where me and the P-Vine drove our 15 year old, 35 miles per gallon Toyota... We drove at approximately the speed limit... Sometimes 5 miles per hour over but never more than, oh, 68 miles per hour... Problem is that we were passed by everyone... Little old ladies in their Buicks... Young girls in their sprort red cars... But mostly by big SWUV's with "Support the Troops" ribbons plastered accross the back???

Now, I was thinkin' that if we really wanted to "support" the troops we would somehow make a little sacrifice on our own and drive as if we all understood there is a direct linkage top how fast we drive and how much oil the US has to corral fir itself...

So, given that thinkin', I call out every SUV driver with a "Support the Troops" ribbon to slow it down, pal... It ain't all about you... Yer SUV will get much better gas mileage at the speed limit than it will get at 30 plus miles an hour over the speed limit!!!

Think about it!!!

Yeah, I realize that bringin' this up on a folk music forum is like preachin' to the choir but, hey...

Sho it down, pal, 'er remove the "Support the Troops" ribbon off yer gas guzzler... You can't have it both ways...
