The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84182   Message #1578727
Posted By: The Shambles
08-Oct-05 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Subject: RE: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
It was rather like a group of nosy neighbours getting themselves all indignant about matter that were none of their concern and deciding that 'something' must be done and getting someone to feel that they must be the one to be seen to do something.

The above was in reference to the PEL threads.

What exactly were the crimes that required someone to be feel they needed to be seen to be doing 'something' about? Let us look at the accusations.

That I was the first poster to attempt to use the Forum Menu as a platform for expression?

I was attempting nothing other than to post to our forum. But if there was an attempt to use our Forum Menu as a platform for free expression – would that be a crime or such a terrible thing to attempt?

That I was 'working hard to ensure that several PEL threads were on the forum at the same time? That I would refresh several PEL threads, all with the same lengthy message, to keep 'MY' PEL campaign in the people's eye.

While it may have appeared that the PEL threads were the same – there were many different aspects and many posters started threads on what they saw as these different aspects (as is their right). My intention was to try ensure that any poster who was interested – was provided with the information in as few threads as possible and to cause as little irritation to those posters who may have not been interested.

As all of the threads were clearly titled – it is difficult to see why anyone should feel irritated. I have no wish to do this as it is not possible for me (or anyone else) to control the posting habits of others but where the threads subjects overlapped – I did try to ensure that all the relevant information was available. It seems to be a difficult concept for some on forum to grasp – but every time you post to a thread – it refreshes it. Is contributing to a thread that our volunteer fellow posters don't wish you to – now a crime or such a terrible thing to attempt.

That I even started threads that had the sole purpose of directing people to other PEL threads. That I worked hard to fight for "turf" on the Forum Menu, making sure his PEL campaign stood out above all other topics of discussion.

Had I done these things – would this have been a crime or such a terrible thing to attempt? Is there not enough room on our forum for all of this – without a fellow poster feeling they had to be seen to be making imposed judgements and confusing their personal motivations and personalising the important issue at the heart of all this?

That 'MY' PEL campaign was a very worthy cause, but my technique got to be too much. That I was flooding the Forum with words, crowding out others who weren't so wordy. That I often titled threads with deceptive titles like the ones you find in virus and advertising e-mails - the ones that try to trick you into opening them.

Too much for whom ? Had I done these things – would this have been a crime or such a terrible thing to attempt for what is accepted as being such a worthy cause?

That a number of things were done to hold me back a bit, since I didn't seem to be able to control myself. His PEL threads were given PEL tags, and they were crosslinked so he wouldn't need to keep repeating things that people could easily find in other threads.

There was very little imposition as they was never any need. For the use of threads clearly titled PELs was welcome – if only to prevent some posters from feeling that they were justified in complaining about what their fellow posters contributed – rather than just being told by our volunteers to ignore them and control their own posts.

Is it really such a concern to have more than one thread on the same or similar subjects? What is the harm in having many – if that is what posters to our forum want? For it is obvious that if they didn't want this – the situation would not occur. Max has publicly stated that sees his role on our forum as to facilitate the poster's wishes. Why do our volunteers now seem to see their role as to sit in judgement upon every aspect of the postings and assumed motives of their fellow posters and feel themselves qualified to do this? All supposedly for the benefit of our forum.