The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85254   Message #1578767
Posted By: Bobert
08-Oct-05 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Prices???....
Subject: RE: BS: Gas Prices???....
Yeah, I gotta a Camry, too... No I don't, I have two... One's mine and one's the P-Vine's... Both 91's... Both high mileage... Both good on gas...

... but I also have a '98 Chevy 3/4 4wd truck fir snow but that's about it otheer than an occasional trip to the dump... But it never gets driven over the speed limit...

I'd still like to see zero tolerance on speeders... They not only use up more than their fair share of fuel but are obnoxious, to boot... And dangerous...
