The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77506   Message #1579050
Posted By: GUEST
08-Oct-05 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Subject: RE: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Hey, bb, I weren't the one leadin' a workshop with a few folks sittin' 'round a table filled with candy??? Like what was that about anyway... I never got it...


Come on by, do what you gonna do.... Jus' no stink bombs, thankee...

Yeah, Amos, come on by... I'll be the guy leadin' a blues workshop of, ahhh, one whilst the entire takes-a-villiage is off gogglin' at Kendall...

Hey, I know when I've been had but...

...HARK... seems that my portestations have found a sympathethic ear and so I've been offered a mini-concert which is scheduled fir a half an hour on the Tuesday afternoon after the Getaway at any place of my choice!!!

Sniff... An I thought the powers-at-be weren't sensitive...

But never mind my dribble...

If you play some blues 'er just want to hear some, split yer time between the Theater and Kendall and you'll get the real deal from both of us...

Fir sure...
