The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77506   Message #1579078
Posted By: GUEST,Bobert
08-Oct-05 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Subject: RE: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Shoot, Rita, why so late... Lets jus' make it 4:30 am an' get a jump on the day???

I'm jus kiddin'... 4:45 am will be jus fine...

Awww, Iz happy camper... Heck... The time slot is perfect... I am so happy that I'm gonna have a hard time diggin' down into that bag to find anything to inspire me to play the blues...

Heck, I might even lead off with "Puff the Magic Dragon"...

Ignore me, folks... I been on vacation and ain't my usual self... Heck, I played a gig today and had to come home and sleep it off fir an hour 'er two...

I ain't right... Heck, I oughtta be happy and honored to be facilitatin' the only blues workshop and here I'z complaionin' 'cause Iz gonna have to do it while Kendall is doin' his storytellin' workshop...


Bad 'nuff about havin' to do it then but worser to not be able to hear my buddy, Kendall...

