The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77506   Message #1579455
Posted By: beardedbruce
09-Oct-05 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Subject: RE: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )

"Like what was that about anyway... I never got it..."

I agree with this statement of yours- You never did get it... Nor did you ever try to find out.


I will get the ginger there because I said I would have it available. I may or may not make it there, myself- But I will leave the boxes sealed so that you will have some confidence in them.

Long story, but if I am "unemployed" I have to be at work whenever they want me to work, (to fill in)- when I am "employed" I get a fixed schedule and can arrange time off.

It looks like I may get some leverage, since I am working this weekend. If the s/c is in good shape, and I can get out of town before they need me to work again, I should be there Friday afternoon.

I would offer rides, but there is some chance I would eiher not make it at all, or have to leave early.