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Thread #85030   Message #1580168
Posted By: *daylia*
10-Oct-05 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery
There are "posts" which fit into the root canal and generally hold crown and "pins" which fasten into the tooth structure to support a very large filling. These I find very troublesome and try to avoid.

Are the pins troublesome because they eventually cause pain when the tooth is touched, Janine? Or can they split the tooth under pressure?

I had 3 of those pins installed in a back molar 6 months ago. A big chunk of tooth had broken off around an old filling, and the rest of the tooth split as soon as the dentist touched it with the drill. :-( Hence, the pins. Anyway, I've noticed that certain spots on that tooth have become more and more sensitive to touch, even with a toothbrush, ever since, so I'm wondering.

At that same appointment, he discovered a little crater in the side of the smaller tooth that's abcessed now, and filled it. For free even, not only cuz he's a nice guy but, he said, he'd "missed it" at my last checkup the month before. ANd now there's an abscess around the tip of the root.

So, in my inexpert opinion it's the tooth that's failing, Janine, and not the filling(s). It's a lower 4 (if that means anything); had a root canal at least 15 years ago and now supports (??) 2 fillings.

Anyway, I finished the antibiotics yesterday and the swelling is down, but the tooth, and my face, is still aching today.

First consultation ($50-70) with the surgeon is not for 3 weeks; possible surgery dates and costs TBA then.

The emergency appointment/X-ray a week ago cost $50. That makes the value of this little tooth, to date, $1000+, not to mention chewing and cosmetic value. But I'm not looking forward to holding out for 3 weeks with this pain. And I know an extraction would cost $80 - 150.   aarrrghghghhghhghgh