The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84182   Message #1580305
Posted By: The Shambles
10-Oct-05 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Subject: RE: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Your only response to MY choice was that the renaming of the threads was never the issue.

Your response was just what we are not short of - yet another personal judgement that will not add to the debate or provide a solution.

And no that was not my only response. The issue around the PEL threads remains the way they and the issue itself were used at the time as an excuse for posturing by some of our volunteer fellow posters. And for which dubious purpose they still are being used.

The issue is the assumptions that were made at that time and listed by this fellow poster here - about another poster's possible motivations. And the paranoid judgements behind the limited imposed editing actions and the effect of these personal value judgements upon what even the fellow poster making them agrees was a perfectly valid issue for our forum. Assumptions, suspicions and judgements that four years later are still providing the justification for the selective imposed editing of my contributions.

Does the fact that a person expressing a valid view that you agree with - maybe thought to be a rough cove with suspect motivations - likely on its own to result in you disagreeing with this view?

Or does the person expressing this view have to be thought a perfectly respectable character - before you feel you can agree?

Or is always the view that matters more than the assumed personality of the person expressing the view?

You may not like the look of Bob Geldof and you may not like him swearing at you and demanding that you send some money and you may think there is a better way. But your assumptions about his possible motives are not really likely to stop you caring about scenes of children starving to death. Unless perhaps you wish to use this as some form of excuse or justification for not caring or Bob Geldof makes you feel guilty or perhaps even a little jealous?

The bottom line is that the PEL issue was and still remains a serious concern to many. I feel that it should have just been recognised as that and not personalised in the way that it was and used as justification for a campaign and exercise in control over the postings of another poster.