The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85310   Message #1580400
Posted By: Blowzabella
10-Oct-05 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any advice on running a B&B?
Subject: RE: BS: Any advice on running a B&B?
Your clientele looks to me as if it will come from DINKs (double income, no kids) or 'Empty nesters' - people with money whose kids have left home. Mostly affluent and discerning. North Yorkshire attracts a lot of them, and you've got to know how to catch them. Motor homes parked in the drive, I'm afraid, won't.

You've got to target your market and, with a market sector like this, ensure that everything, from the first point of contact to the last, is top notch - absolutely. These people won't be looking for dryer rooms or places to park their bikes. They will also be likely to demand top notch service in all respects - they will be paying hotel rates and will expect service to match.

It looks to me like it could be a money spinner, for the right people. These people, as has been mentioned above, will need to be prepared to either be on hand themselves, constantly, or have highly trusted deputies, whom they can leave in control for SHORT periods.

Premium local food, good wines etc are the bywords - what Sian said about 'sense of place' - totally agree.

They won't be easy customers but they'll be repeat visitors if they like it. And they will tell their friends.

(It is close to the Hardraw Gathering, for those affluent, discerning folkies, by the way!)