The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85215   Message #1581158
Posted By: alanww
11-Oct-05 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: The mighty Bedworth! Who's going?
Subject: RE: The mighty Bedworth! Who's going?
Hello to all the Friends I haven't seen since last weekend at Banbury FF. Missing you already!
I will be at Bedworth FF with the Shakespeare Mummers, as last year. We will be mummimg on the Friday evening, presumably during the intervals of the concert(s) and the ceilidh. Then I should be free for the rest of the weekend.
The other mummers bores out there will undoubtedly be fascinated to hear that we will probably be performing the version of the Broadway Mummers Play from Worcestershire, which was collected by Miss Antionette Taylor and published in the American Folklore Journal XXII (1909)!
I will undoubtedly look in on a singaround or three during the Saturday. So see many of you then.
"Dancing and singing, bell ringing!"