The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1581198
Posted By: GUEST,*Janine*
11-Oct-05 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery
You're right on both counts. Pins can split the tooth, especially if it's already weakened by a root filling. They're forced into the tooth and that's just the way I'd split a rock if I wanted to do things like that. They can also accidentally penetrate the root canal which can lead to pulpitis (sever lacerating pain) and/or abscess formation (pressure pain, maybe swelling), often years later. See what we do to you with the best of intentions! I'm glad I've moved on with Auggie and jimmyt.
I don't know how 'healthy eating' is progressing in Canada. Here a few years ago everybody started eating granary bread (and similar) and smashed (literally) all the teeth which had had massing metal fillings years ago. It's almost always the tooth that breaks and leaves the filling behind. I've seen patients do this to every tooth!
We still use cast gold posts in the UK as the NHS won't pay for much else. I find the same as you: the root fractures and sometimes the post at gum level. Screw in's are still used here believe it or not, even for bridge retainers; I've even seen a six unit bridge retained by two 3mm screw posts in the canines! Worse still the patient paid privately.
