The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85417   Message #1582934
Posted By: Singing Referee
14-Oct-05 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: Harrogate Folk Club closing
Subject: RE: Harrogate Folk Club closing
Sorry to be controversial here, but as much as I agree it's sad to see a club go under, especially for the few (as it always is) who put in the effort, but apathy? That's life I'm afraid! If people don't come it's either because they don't know about it, or they're not enjoying what they're being offered enough to make the effort. There will always be a small core who will turn up regardless, but the majority want to be entertained. Unfortnately we seem to have to offer something extra special these days to entice people away from 'the box'. There are all sorts of reasons, financial, social and political, why live music is suffering at the moment, but just putting it down to 'apathy' is too easy a get out IMHO.