The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84182   Message #1583105
Posted By: The Shambles
14-Oct-05 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Subject: RE: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Calling someone an idiot is a personal judgement, I agree, but the editing actions are not. Joe has explained at length what his reasons are and if you think he's not being up front with you then that is your opinion.

As you are willing to accept that this name-calling by a volunteer fellow poster is a personal judgement made publicly on our forum - how can you ever be sure that any subsequent imposed judgements are not personally motivated? When a volunteer fellow poster indulges in setting this example to our forum - can you ever really be sure that any of their subsequent imposed editing action are not also personally motivated?

Is it because your opinion is based upon the opinion of the person who is telling you this? The same person making the initial list of assumptions and indulging in the abusive personal attacks and name-calling and imposing their personal judgement and subsequent editing actions?

I am making no assumptions about my fellow poster's possible motivations for this but the evidence is there. It is a matter for you to decide from the evidence of the words provided.

Perhaps you will accept that under these circumstances there will always remain some doubt about whether the imposed editing actions were personally motivated?

Would accept that there is a need for these imposed actions to always be seen to be impartial And that if someone trusted to be impartial is seen to be suspect in any way - they should perhaps not be thought suitable to continue? Or perhaps should not even wish to for fear of compromising Max and our forum?

Would you like to provide some convincing explanation - other than personal motivation - as to why it was judged "time" for the imposed closure of this thread? Closing threads

It is only "time" for that thread because one fellow poster has judged (for some reason) that they have the right to prevent any other posters from making any further contributions to it.