The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84182   Message #1583172
Posted By: The Shambles
14-Oct-05 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Subject: RE: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Finally, what about the last statement in my previous post where I thought we agreed on one point. You said, "In the absence of anything like this - perhaps we should leave all these assumptions and also leave Max to quietly deal with the aspects that he only can address". Are you prepared to do just that and allow MAX to deal with this issue in a way he sees fit?


Perhaps it is a good idea to provide all of what I said. Which rather natually - I do agree with. Do you?

In the absence of anything like this - perhaps we should leave all these assumptions and also leave Max to quietly deal with the aspects that he only can address. The rest - as it has always been - is really up to the posters to control their own postings and continue to bring any concerns about our forum publicly to our forum - for Max and the rest of our forum to debate and consider.

Perhaps you would accept that how our forum appears has always been is up to all of us and what we all choose to post to it? A point that I feel from his public statements that Max is well aware of - as he tends to leave us to it. Perhaps you would like to help ensure that this remains the case and that the shape of our forum is not now determined by the imposed personal tastes of just a few posters?

So are you saying that because someone is human and doesn't get along with you that he is incapable of doing his job? If you are, then I disagree.

No.... I am probably saying that combining the dual roles of fellow poster with those of a judge - who can (anonymously) impose their personal judgement upon the words of their fellow poster - is an unrealistic and unfair expectation - both on them and the rest of our traditionally friendly and accomodating forum. It should be recognised that ALL posters to our forum are human (apart from the odd horse).

For whatever reason the statement was made, I've made worse. It doesn't make me a bad person and it doesn't make me incapable of doing a job. they are totally different things.

In the courts where the responsibilities of this judging business are taken more seriously - would you accept that certain standards are expected of those who would sit in judgement upon us?

That not only would these judges expect to be judged themselves but would expect their conduct to be judged even more more harshly? That these judges - if their conduct both privately and professionally fell short of these standards (especially on the grounds of any question of their impartiality) would expect their judgement to be severe and many would feel the need to resign long before this point? That these judges would accept that along with their privileges and rights - comes a greater responsibilty?

Some of those who would feel themselves quallified to judge the contributions of their fellow posters on our forum - appear to feel they should be able to impose judgement upon their fellows and remain anonymous. And some of those who are prepared to be known and accountable to our forum for their actions - do not feel they should be judged in turn.

Some of these seem to think that a correct response from them to any criticism or questioning of their judgement and resulting imposed editing actions on our forum - is for them to mount abusive personal abusive attacks, call their fellow posters names and encourage other posters to follow this example......

Some seem to think that everyone and everything is open to their personal taste and judgement on our forum - but they are above this. That they feel qualified to accept the privilges of their role but do not feel they themselves should accept any resonsibility for their actions.