The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85464   Message #1583242
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
14-Oct-05 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Subject: RE: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Any doctor who encourages a patient to smoke cannabis in any other situation than terminal illness doesn't deserve the title "Doctor of Medicine". In fact any Doc who encourages smoking of ANYTHING is in the same category.
There has been much crap talked about cannabis use----by both sides in the argument. Marijuana is nowhere near being the horrid poison which has been demonised by the "antis". Nor is it the benign and harmless habit extolled by the "pros". On the "anti" side, ONE reefer is much more harmful than ONE cigarette. A home made reefer burns at a much higher temperature than a factory made cig, and does proportionately more immediate damage. On the "pro" side ---nobody I have ever met smokes up to forty reefers a day! Most cannabis users I know indulge their pleasures mainly at parties or social gatherings, etc.
   Tobacco is only now being seen for what it is--an utter abomination. The difference between the two drugs lies in the fact that tobacco is extremely harmful even when used in a "non-smoking' fashion. Cannabis, on the other hand, can have similar physical and mental effects whether it is smoked or ingested by any other means.
If it is smoked, it must be considered like tobacco---an abomination. It is becoming apparent to most interested folks that because of the blind prejudice of the "antis" , and the defiant 'freedom to indulge in a 'joint" pros, a potentially very beneficial weapon in the armoury of medicine has been unjustifiably sidelined for far too long. If you must use cannabis recreationally, eat a cookie--or get the recipe for marijuana butter. These avenues MAY turn out to be benign enough to merit general acceptance. Smoking the stuff---snoking ANY stuff---can do nothing but physical harm.