The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85464   Message #1583650
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Oct-05 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Subject: RE: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
I've known pot smokers who became successful and happy, some who became successful and unhappy, some who were total abject failures at everything, and others who muddled around vaguely in the in-between, as it were...

I draw no useful conclusions from that regarding the efficacy of marijuana in improving brain function.

But I do know this: inhaling any kind of smoke deliberately is a dead stupid idea. The best evidence of that is: NO animal will voluntarily inhale smoke if it has any way of avoiding doing so. Try it out on any animal and see...

So, my advice is, if you want to injest marijuana, eat it. Much healthier all the way around. Smoking is bad for you, and it's bad for anyone else who is in the same space with you.

This is clearly one area where I am not in accord with traditional Native American culture... ;-) (the exception that proves the rule?)