The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85464   Message #1583675
Posted By: dianavan
15-Oct-05 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Subject: RE: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
From the link, "The scientists also noticed that cannabinoids curbed depression and anxiety..."

Oh, oh, I think they let the cat out of the bag. I imagine that the pharmaceutical companies will do all that they can to suppress this bit of information. I wonder how much money they would lose if people stopped buying anti-depressants and just took a toke instead. Imagine if they were allowed to grow it in their own backyards! Very bad news for the black market and the legitimate drug market as well.

Of course, then governments would have to stop hassling growers and users and concentrate on the hard drugs. Of course that probably won't happen either because its too logical and they might have to some real work.