The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85464   Message #1583709
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Oct-05 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Subject: RE: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Very sensible comments there, Dianavan. I know several people who use pot to ease their anxiety, and it seems to help them. But I am a real subversive. I don't toke and I don't take any legal drugs either ('cept for the occasional aspirin). I also don't watch TV or listen to the radio. I think if the $ySStem became aware of all this I might be in real danger, being as subversive as I am. I mean, how the hell can they play their money and addiction game if people don't go along with it?

gnu - Well, I guess any poison doesn't hurt you much if you take it in small enough amounts, does it? You just gotta figure out how small an amount is safe, that's all. Life is always a compromise between one thing and another. On the few occasions when I smoked pot or tobacco (as an educational experiment) I could only be amazed that anyone would actually want their mouth to taste as bad as that during and after indulging in their favorite pastime. Gaaahh! It's detestable. (But not if you take it for granted, I guess...) For a real thrill, roll up a joint that is full of roaches from 15 previous joints. Rank!!!! Ugh. (But it will get you pretty flippin' high, eh?)