The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1584402
Posted By: Bobert
17-Oct-05 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Well, well, well...

I have just gotten in after a quick 4 1/2 trip to find the P-Vine asleep and me livin' on "Getaway Time" meanin' that looks like a got a couple three hours hours 'til bed time... Ahhh, not that means sleep, 'er anythin'... Jus mean yer layin' in bed tryin' to be asleep with folks playin' music everywhere they can an' wonderin' jus' how much longer you gotta pretend the charade before ya' can legitimately venture oputta yer cabin widout bein' perceived as a party pooper who must turned in before midnight... Oh, one wouldn't want to fall into that category....

Well, I had a lotta fun an' din't want to leave tonight but the P-Vine has her anual respitory thing going and once I discovered that Ebbie and KT had a way back to D.C., I know I needed to be here to do the usual husbandly things to be syupportive, you know, like leavin' the toilet seat up....

But nuff of that hasbandly and toilet seat stuff...

Well, first of all, whilst it was good seein' everyone, especially Ebbie, KT, Amos, Kendall, Jackie, Janie, Sins, CarolC, MMario, Tinker, El Greco, Jacqui, OBU, Rita, Bill, Max, Leadfingure, JimmyT, Lonesome EJ, Dani, etc, etc., it was mighty hard leavin'... Sniff...

But heck with that husbandly, toilet seat, leavin' stuff....

First of all, CarolC ain't as big as those of you who haven't met her think... Yeah, she might whup on a few butts 'round this joint and those of you who have been on the recieving end might have a problems with this but the gal in like, ahhhhh, tiny... But sho nuff she is so get over yhe whuppin's...

Nevermind that...

Ahhhh, the higlight of the Getaway was my mini-concert...

(No,it wasn't, Bobert! Get some sleep, you poor fool...)

No, really the high point was/were:

1. Gettin' to pick up Ebbie and KT in D.C. and drive them to the Getaway inspite of turning the navigatin' over to them and endin' , yikes, in a danged long tunnel...

2. Seein' the Captain and his wife, Jacqui... They are a couple of the collest folks that I know... Okay, Kendall can be a pain in the butt... And sneaky... You all may see a piccure of me playin' his "Taylor"... Never happened... It's a photoshop fake... Ahhh, Martins rule...

3. Last night concert, while great, was capped off with a little berlisqu which was intended to bring Big Mick to his knees but seemed to have the opposite effect on the boy as he has volunteered to do another year as the "Be Very Afraid" man... Whew, I had a feeling that I was next in line... But, it would have been a wast with me since I don't unnerstand 'nuff 'bout womenz to be afraid of 'um....

5. "Most Improved Mudcatter', IMH, was El Grecko... Yeah, he has always beeen good but unemployement seems to fit him well as he delived a moving version of"________________________" a song he wrote about providin' (or not) fir his family... Very, very good...

6. BillD's lathe work are phenominal... He just keep gettin' better and better.... I bought the most beutiful piece I have evr seen him do fir the P-Vine... She is gonna love it...

7. BeardedBruce was quite the trooper this weekend as has came with enough nice dark beers to share with just about anyone who had forgotten ot just wanted to taste something better than the cheap stuff they brought...

8. Was nice seein' Max, who showed up today, lookin' fit and not all car-crashed... Actually the crash has been very becoming to him as he looked a lot better this year after the crash than last year...

9. Fir me, it was real nice to finally meet up with my "contract partner" (street term fir, "stick-man, ahhhh, street term fir, ahhhh...)here in Mudville... W@e got a few code things down so when the Bsuhites comin' messin' wid us' we can mess wid 'um even better...

10. Seriously, I was real happy with the blues workshop that I faciliatted... The mix of folks was real nice and I think, other than electric Chicago blues, the folks who came and contributed probalably did as nice a job of presenting a cross-swection of acoustic blues as could be found anywhere... A special thanks to Dick Greenhouse and Roger...

Now fir the bad parts:

1. Sargeant "BillY" Ballbuster, who is the manager of Camp Rumbleweed, din't seem like a happy camp leader... On Friday night he lectured us like we was school kids about this 'n that and my-inurance-company-don't-like-thi'n-that... And don't put no cigaratte butts in wrong place 'er our "undeerstaffed" staff will have to pick 'um up and "We don't like pickin' yer butts up"... Whoof, whoof, whoof... Guy gave me th4 creeps... Maybe he's mad cause we comin' back next year... I don't know... Think he could use a little couch time witha good theapist... Maybe a little of that polymorphorse perverse guilt??? I don't know??? Maybe just needs to get laid??? (Did you look at this guy, Bobert???) Yeah, that's prolly it...

2. Had to fire KT as a potential "Pedestrain" from my "Sidewalk Bob and the Pedestrains" band 4 minutes into the audtion.... Sniff... Felt real bad about that one since I hired on a harp player 2 mintues into thwe same audition...

3. There ain't Tastee Feeze in Harvey 'n Garce, Md...

That's 'bout wraps it up fir now...
