The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85509   Message #1584635
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Oct-05 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Please!... (regarding e-mail)
Subject: RE: BS: Please!... (regarding e-mail)
Storytellers hold privileged positions in all cultures, because storytelling is didactic as well as entertaining. Stories pass along useful information and values, even if they're the hilarious trickster variety. Those performers who tell jokes, if they're part of good stories, may be able to segue into that position of respect (Bill Cosby for example). Those comedians who tell jokes as a way to comment on society (Dick Gregory and George Carlin come to mind) hold a place all their own. There was a very special group of comedians/satirists/storytellers on the Smothers Brothers programs who I would welcome with open arms if they came to perform or did a broadcast program along those lines.

Most of the rest I don't give the time of day. There are too many of them who have a juvenile sense of humor, probably aimed at a slightly underage audience. Everyone has to be "edgy" these days, because they have no imagination and are kowtowing to advertisers. You get tired of it after a while.

I tend to get my humor today at some of those intersections of society and humor, on the radio, through NPR. Wait Wait Don't Tell Me!, What Do You Know?, and others that are occasionally funny like This American Life.