The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85464   Message #1584664
Posted By: Green Man
17-Oct-05 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Subject: RE: BS: Mythbuster: Pot and brain health
Our cats have all really liked pot, its related to catnip (I think) as for use, burning it in a joint is wasteful as the volatiles disperse cooking it into cakes is good as long as you are careful. I could go on a bit about how it fits into receptors in the brain that are a perfect fit. As for using it a lot I never have and I do believe that it has true medicinal properties. I also believe that a lot of people are taken in by black P.R. and disinformation put out by multi nationals that are trying to protect their interests. After all its really up to you to make an adult and educated decision. Here in the UK its been reduced in classification but not legalised. If it were decriminalised completely it would save millions in customs and police time as well as court time.

Anyway its green and made of leves why shouldn't I like it.

I leaves you now. ;-)