The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1585489
Posted By: Amos
18-Oct-05 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Staggered home as worn out as a jolly walker on payday, branded for life as a music slut, but what can I say? My round heels are hard-earned. Slept straight through from 5 PM on, and am fit as a fid. Now NEXT year, I promise to be less rowdy and more diplomatic, to drink less and tune better, to do more chick songs and less war songs, and generally to improve my comportment to a standard more becoming of the FSGW. But I had one helluva fine weekend and I cannot express enough thanks to Tinker and Judy Opp and Charlie and all the others who stood to to make it happen. I twas a bloody fantastic happenign, and the memories are just now beginning to crystallize from heated frenzy into heart stopping flashbacks of joy.

It is clear that the Mudcat contingent really adds some special creative juices to the flow of events and I have to say that there are so many really magnificent stars in our constellation I dunno how to name them all.

Thanks to you all, good friends!

A ditty from the MOAB thread:

Mom's Duffel

There's three cans of untouched Guinnes and a dozen cans of stout
I'ld-a brought along the dark rum, but the damn stuff just ran out!
There's a clutch of broken strings to use on over-stuffed trash bags
And half a bag of cookies too, for to make yer bottom sag.
But there's lots of smiles and laughter and a million tunes or two
And a pair of wornout Levi's that are wet with autumn dew
And in the bottom of the bag, until we meet again
Are the thoughts and tender wishes of two hundred folkie friends!
They've been dancing on the tables and smoking on the lawn
And inventing sweet new harmonies to swell the sounds of song
They've been roaring drunk and thoughtful, and all things in between
Oh, this Getaway was the richest thing that I have ever seen.
There were brilliant English whistlers and tawdry Yankee whalers,
There were hearts and tarts and hugs enough to satiate a sailor!
There were songs from early morning til the rising of the sun,
And I came back home exhausted, but I had a lot of fun.
So Mother dear, now I am here, I'll give ya better shrift,
And to prove how much I love ya, I have brought you all these gifts!