The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85572   Message #1585778
Posted By: Bobert
18-Oct-05 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
Subject: BS: Think I Got Chicken Flu...
Yeah, ever since I got home from the Getaway, I'z been like real tired and not wantin' to play no guitar...

Then I look at the TV an' it says there's some chicken flu goin' 'round so figgures Iz got it 'cause, while I ain't eat no chicken, I did pass several KFC's on the way home from the Getaway...

Ahhhh, can you catch it from drivin' by KFC's???

Okay, answer me this one... Lets say that you ain't drove by the KFC but you get a Sunday paper and inside there's this clear plastic thing wid lots of ads in it and there's like an ad fir KFC!!! Can you catch chicken flu from the ad???