The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1586213
Posted By: skarpi
19-Oct-05 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
I am just waiting for the date, to come out and I ´ll be on my way ....
to get the ticket.

Memories, is something what I brought home with me a hole lot of it
I still see it in my head all you r faces so happy , thing about
the energy that went through thouse moments :>)))at the GETAWAY

we coult have light up the hole naighbourhood , I guess after a little
sleep I am a little a........... now where was that word again ?
dammmmm I lost it .

Well I gonna go and get my wife from work , and spent some time with her
and the kids, I missed them a lot .

All my dear friends,, thank you " ALL " for this amazing weekend
witch will be in my heart for ever, and thank you all for taking
me as I am , sniff .... now I got sentimental well won´t hurt a bit.

" Giok " I hope you got your "LAMP " BUCKLED UP " in your front seat
while you drive :-))))) hahaha I wish i could see that ,,hehehehe
I know John is gonna answer this one , and it aint gonna be good..

so yeh ,yeh , John I love you to ........

Well , tonight I will have one shot of Paddy´s whiskey and light a candle for all happyness we had..... singing jaja-jippy-jippy-ja
...and you know the rest "In Danish " I will say SKÁL see you all
next year at the Getaway but also alot I hope on

Now about Monday gig , I got a moment to listen to Terry on his
mandola and he did well, also did Georg you have a special style
that makes people listen , Dick Greenhouse I thought I heard it
all WOW you were great up there, Jimmyt, that bass solo you did
on your onestringbass was something men.... Giok -John you did a
very special Scottish moment up there , I hope I don´t forget someone? if so please forgive me .
Oh the Max´s band they were realy good up there on stage.
Max thank you for that Monday night , had a great time .

Jæja ( means well ) back to normal live again earn some money and start
saving for the next trip over. Oh and MAx I got my 12-strings guitar( witch I was not going to do )but it kind a said " Skarpi " up on the wall there and well ..... you know .. when you got somthing in hand that goes well.....hmmmmmm i got it save through the terminal.

All the best Skarpi Iceland.