The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1586618
Posted By: Bobert
19-Oct-05 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Well, havin' survived the chicken flu, 'er just a lack of sleep, whatever... I'z got my second wind and it's story time...

Now I might be repeatin' some stories but6, hey, amnesia ain't all that bad... Get to meet new friends every day...

Okay, havin' appointed myself "Adouring Fan" fir KT's concert I found a seat close enough to her to do the best adorin' fan thing as I could, which weren't all that hard since she sings buatifully... But just as her concert was to begin, Ebbie decided that the bill of my "Rhehobeth Beach" ball cap would be the perfect place to clip the microphone to her recorder... So there I was, designated "adoring fan" and newly appointed human mic stand with this wire runnin' from the cap, down my face and to the little recorder on my lap...

Well, I could tell that KT hadn't made it visually to the "adoring fan" section and figgured that the longer it was before she looke4d over and saw the adoring fan/humanmic satnd Bobert, the worse it was gonna be on her... Well, it had to come and she was in the middle of this song where the lyrics are supposed to go "pay the bills" and after seein' the poor Bobert as "adoring fan/human mic stand" it came out "pay my blues"....

Well, I believe in Freudian slips so I figgured that meant she was gonna try harder to make it in next years "Sidewalk Bob and the Pedestrians" as a full fledged "Pedestrian" but weren't gonna be this year....

Kendall story next...
