The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1586776
Posted By: Amos
20-Oct-05 - 02:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Hey, ya ole fart:

If yer gonna bring religion into it, you should include the fact that I walked out on the Scientology gang many years back, and that I am on their permanent list of black sheep. Just so you include all the facts. No Scientologist in his "right" mind would be caught dead talking to me; reason being, I practice too much freedom of speech for comfort, kind of like with you. And, like you, they have done what they could to shut me up. But, like you, it didn't amount to much anyway. Because, like you, they are motivated by spite and bitterness.

And no, freedom of speech is not a double edged sword. But if frittering away one;s youth in a fringe outfit is the worst crime you can find on my back-line, I still feel a few feet closer o heaven than your double-tonguing fry-brain meathead of a Pruzident.

By the way, Old Guy, what;s your religion? You still worshiping Jack Daniels, old automobiles, or pinning your hopes on imaginary playmates? Mebbe you could talk to God about his conversations with George -- seems to me they're a little behind the times. Like, B.C.E. out of date.

Mebbe Small-Minded George never heard about the New Testament, though. A lot of good Christians seem to forget that part handily.