The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1586988
Posted By: Ferrara
20-Oct-05 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Mary, there have been mentions of Judy Cook and Ron Davies, (who sometimes post here but are 95% FSGW and 5% Mudcat, they post very, very seldom ... even less often than you do these days) and several posts about Mia Boynton, for starters. I think I have noticed others but my memory is so slippery that I can't name them. ... and Sue Mathieu, who co-led Grim, Bloodthirsty, etc.

The thing is that lots of people in FSGW who started as non-Mudcatters have learned about it via the Getaway and so are now registered on Mudcat. Dual citizenship? This year I do feel, in fact, that I'm hearing a lot more about the people who aren't on Mudcat or are very little known there.

I would like to hear (read) more stories about workshops that I missed. For instance Bobert was pretty happy after his concert and told me a bit about it, but I would like to hear other folks' descriptions of it.

And I would especially like to hear more about the Harmonies workshop, and what it was like to learn a Byzantine hymn. BTW Sue Mathieu also sings Byzantine hymns! She sings in a Russian Orthodox church and it's a fine thing to hear her do liturgical music.
