The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85625   Message #1587305
Posted By: LilyFestre
20-Oct-05 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
Subject: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
Winter is creeping up fast and we have started making some adjustments to our home in hopes of conserving some energy while saving some money too. For us, that means putting plastic up on the outside of several windows around the house as well as some inside, more rugs on the floor, electric space heaters, thermal drapes, closing rooms that are not in use (open floor plan, no heat upstairs), cleaning up the ceiling fans, getting out the warm slippers, opening curtains during sunny hours, closing them at night, adding some more insulation/skirting stuff around the base of the house (house sits on small basement..lots of cold air comes up from under the house), planning lots of oven meals, wood being split and cut....I'm sure there are more ideas out there....what do the rest of you do to help stay warm and lower your heating bills?
