The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1587307
Posted By: lamarca
20-Oct-05 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Ebbie, the farmed salmon was topped with surimi - fake crab - which goes right along with the "Cheap Food to Feed the Masses" approach of the camp. I thought the naked hamburgers and hotdogs with stale buns for Saturday lunch were pretty awful. This is where I REALLY miss the Good Old Days of the Getaway, pre-camp Ramblewood, when Debby McClatchy, banjo picker and cook extraordinaire, was hired to cater the Getaway. She had imaginative, tasty, affordable meals for a crowd, crafted over her long years of cooking for dance camps, the Bay Area Getaway, etc.

Everyone who attended the Getaway had to sign up for 2-3 hrs kitchen duty sometime over the whole weekend, which led to Carrot-Chopping Shanties, Chicken Puppet dances (don't ask, it's disgusting) and other communal activities that helped make the work more fun. I'm hoping that perhaps the new camp will allow us to do our own food again, and that Debby would be willing to come back from the Left Coast to organize it!