The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85627   Message #1587535
Posted By: Joe Offer
21-Oct-05 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Folk Icons & Hype
Subject: RE: Folk Icons & Hype
Hey, Art thieme's a folk icon, isn't he? I haven't seen him yet, but I'm bound and determined to - and I don't expect to be disappointed.

Actually, most of the folk icons I've heard have been pretty darn wonderful - and most have been very approachable. I guess one disappointment was Gordon Bok, he seemed depressed, and he kept forgetting lyrics. I liked his singing, though.

If you class Bob Dylan as a folk icon, then I'd say he was a total disappointment. Forty-five minutes of singing - no talk, no encores, no nothing; and the music he did was downright sloppy.

Oh, and the recent iterations of the Kingston Trio have been disappointing, and Glen Yarbrough is a very sad case.

-Joe Offer-