The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85477   Message #1587537
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
21-Oct-05 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: On strike and in contempt of court
Subject: RE: BS: On strike and in contempt of court
Hey "Guest [right-wing!] parent"! With as much respect as I can muster [ though I suspect that your anti teacher sentiments spring from ignorance rather than malice]your poor head is apparently full of bumblebees! You sound just as the letter writer in the Vanc. "Sun" came acroos the other day when he pontificated about teachers "take home salary" being such and such, and that "before overtime is added". I expect many teachers had a laugh at the obvious complete lack of knowledge displayed--although they could be forgiven for maybe a tiny fit of anger that a supposedly reputable newspaper could knowingly publish such nonsense. Perhaps, being a right wing paper, they deliberately feed the susceptible minds of folks like yourself? A couple of snippets of info. for you---Teachers do NOT get holiday pay when they are on their "summer break"; they are literally unemployed [with no benefits!] Their "pro-days" have , since this blundering bunch were elected in B.C., been hijacked as far as subject matter is concerned. They are compelled to abide by dictated "guidelines" as set by non-teaching government bodies. My partner is a grade one teacher, with a Masters degree in Education. In her class of 26, there are SIX "special needs " kids. The assistance she gets in ensuring the continued progress of her class while trying to give the best possible to these six kids has become so minimal as to be derisory. Somebody had to take some action for the sake of the youngsters ---and, yes, for the teaching conditions--and the teachers have initiated such action. For the sake of B. C., and its children, they MUST come out of this with something other than a lasting, debilitating bitterness.
   Tonight, I was pleased to be part of a group which supplied a musical break during an inter-union meeting in our home town. I am with dianavan, my Partner, and all others who see what is lacking in B.C. schools. Hang in there, folks!!