The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85576   Message #1587608
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
21-Oct-05 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vasectomy Stories...
Subject: RE: BS: Vasectomy Stories...
Had mine done about 12 years ago in the UK. No problem at all. The disconcerting thing was to be told to shave yer own nether regions and be handed an NHS razor (luckily not a cut throat) and a mirror.

Also lying on the table whilst a green cloth with the window is placed over the goolies makes one feel a tad 'exposed'.

Mine was done a day or so before the company Xmas do so I wasn't dancing around too much either.

The main consideration is that it is permanent, I did not envisage a divorce and a new marriage. And we both would like children.