The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85646   Message #1588059
Posted By: Bobert
21-Oct-05 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: Best Guitar for Blues?Opinions?
Subject: RE: Best Guitar for Blues?Opinions?
Ahhhhh, when I perform I take three guitars...

1. An acoustic: sometimes my old Martin, sometimes my Hohner

2. A steel bodied resonator: Reagl in my case

3. A wood bodied resonator: Oscar Shmidt in my case

(I also occasionally will thrown in my 30's Dobro tenor resonator...)

The blues ain't like a danged stationary target, here, and there ain't just one guitar that will give you everything...

Unless, off course, all you wanta play is Chicago blues with hoens backin' you up and a big ol' amp... Then, in that case, just get a Strat and let it wail...

But country/acoustic blues is a different animal...

But I guess if I were to be plunked down of the proverbial deswerted island and could have but one guitar, I reckon I'd make it my old Martin... But only because I might get a bone to play a little country 'er old folk music...

But if I knew that I would never have any interest in playin' country or folk on this perverbal deserted island, I'd take the Regal (National wantabee...).
