The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85625   Message #1588340
Posted By: mouldy
22-Oct-05 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
Subject: RE: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
Sod's law - I yet again didn't get round to replacing my old boiler, and the forecast winter for the UK, as LTS said, is a more than even chance of BRRRR! An old lad from a neighbouring village, who was never wrong, so it's said, predicted a big freeze starting around New Year and lasting until April. He died a few weeks ago. Did he really know something we don't? At least the boiler's going for the moment!

Just ordered sheepskin gloves and steering wheel cover. I have poor circulation in my hands, and my job won't let me wimp out if the weather does get bad. Got the goosedown jacket lined up too.

The problem with my house is that it is old and doesn't have cavity walls. At least I can stoke up a roaring fire if I need to.
