The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85625   Message #1588380
Posted By: Rapparee
22-Oct-05 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
Subject: RE: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
We've also got the expedition weight longies, silk long johns, sweaters, coats, and I have a parka that good down to about -35 F. The usual sorts of cold weather clothes.

Good gloves and mittens are a must, as are good warm socks. And while it might be offensive to some, I've never found a substitute for leather or real fur.

(Not that I have real fur. I don't, except for one VERY warm rabbit hat. But coyote fur as a ruff around the hood of a parka keeps out snow while permitting you to see out because of the structure of the "guard hairs" -- dog or wolf would work as well. Wolverine doesn't frost up from your breath, which is why Arctic peoples use it to line parka hoods. However, I have neither the need for nor the money to afford such things!)