The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85215   Message #1588412
Posted By: Malc Bedworth
22-Oct-05 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: The mighty Bedworth! Who's going?
Subject: RE: The mighty Bedworth! Who's going?
Continental Market is on Saturday again. Catering should be quite exceptional (certainly exceptional for Bedworth!) on the Saturday this year as the refurbished Civic Hall now has excellent facilities and will be doing breakfasts, snacks, and even full dinners/evening meals, plus a real ale bar, and can cater for up to 200 people at a time! Catering in the Civic Hall friday is only until early evening, but if you're happy with "cheap and cheerful" there's always Wetherspoons, just down from the Liberal Club (or the Chinese or the Chippy)