The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85477   Message #1588548
Posted By: GUEST,parent
22-Oct-05 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: On strike and in contempt of court
Subject: RE: BS: On strike and in contempt of court
who says you should be guaranteed a detached single family house?
housing costs have gone up for everyone, and most people in Europe
cant even think about owning a detached house, and yet they still enjoy a good life.

the high cost of housing is due to a growing population and other factors - and Vancouver is one of the most desirable places to live anywhere.

according to the average household income in Canada
is $64,900 (I tried to make a link but it didnt work) just go in and type household income.

so given a household of two teachers - and given the average
$60,500 according to the bctf site that household would be close to double the average Can. household income. They shouldnt have a problem getting a mortgage for a house in Vancouver.
thats all hypothetical of course but Im sure people will say what abou t single income teachers or ones that are starting out .. but again you could say that about other occupation.

anyway, having said all the above, Iam no fan of Gordon Campbell and the Liberals, and believe the BCTF had to do something which it did.
Even if the right to strike was taken away they did it anyway, probably calculating that a fine will be covered by the strike fund
- Im sure half a million sounds like a lot, but it could have been per day..