The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3178   Message #15914
Posted By: Susan of DT
06-Nov-97 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: Songs about Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs
Subject: RE: Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs
Lamarca, helen, Alison... We have a number of the 'gory' songs - skier, climber, etc. Search for Gory and you get a collection of them. It looks like the "Super Skier" I entered long ago (as Gory, Gory (Ski)) is missing the best part about two one-legged skiers continuing down the hill after the encounter with the tree. But it was from the IOCA (Intercollegiate Outing Clubs of America) songbook and they should be the authority on outdoor parodies up to the book's publication in 1952.