The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1592178
Posted By: Teribus
27-Oct-05 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
According to Malcolm Sutton:

British Security 363
Irish Security 5
Loyalist Paramilitary 1020
not known 80
Republican Paramilitary 2055
TOTAL 3523

The figures do not lie although we all know Divi does.

Now, I know that it is not as simple as this, but what the hell, just for arguements sake:

If I and my lot had not been in Northern Ireland 363 more people would be alive.

If the Loyalist Paramilitaries had not been around 1020 more people would be alive

But If Divi and his pals of whom he is so inordinately proud had not been around 2055 more people would be alive.

In fact it would have been a damn sight more than that as we would have considerably reduced the 'loyalist' tally.

DIVI - That is a FACT

Here are a few more:

DIVI quote, "If I have something worth saying I will put my name to it."

DIVI you are a liar I have proved it on this thread, you cannot wriggle out of that. Please remember that in anything you post on this forum in the future that is going to come back at you - You are a proven Liar.

DIVI quote, "'s clear you are not going to bestowe professional courtesy on me as I would you." Now come along DIVI, when have you ever "bestowed any professional courtesy" towards me - Never.

Another DIVI quote, "Now Terminal, calling me murderin' scum
is not very nice either."

Unfortunately DIVI, ould son, the statistics provided by Malcolm Sutton seem to bear out my opinion of you and the organisation you seem to have chosen to defend - 2055 lives out of a total of 3525, and that does not take into account those injured and maimed for life. Things would have been a damn sight better had you stayed away by a factor of 60% - FACT.

The "most successful guerilla army in the world." offered/sought ceasefire after ceasefire.

The "most successful guerilla army in the world." has, thankfully and eventually, abandoned its weapons.

The "most successful guerilla army in the world." Never had any mandate from the people of Ireland to murder 2055 of its citizens.

At present there are 15,500 British Troops stationed in the North of Ireland, there are 8,500 British Troops stationed in Iraq.

DIVI quote, "Did you never feel a teenie weenie bit jealous of their ability to strike with such ease and accuracy ?"

Do you mean like when the much vaunted PIRA planted the 24 bombs in Belfast City Centre, timed to go off within 2 hours, then came out with the statement that they did not target civilians. The loss of life on that day came to 5 people, any idea who that was down to DIVI? I'll tell you, the RUC, the British Forces, and members of Northern Ireland's Emergency Services. It certainly had fuck all to do with the Provisional IRA, who were hoping for a far larger score.

DIVI when it comes to telling the truth to our grand-children I will be able state with clear and verifiable conviction that I was there to save life. It will be clearly demonstrable that you, and the organisation that you were a proud member of, were there to take it - to the extent of 2055 lives to be exact.

DIVI quote, "When in the North of Ireland did you ever run away Terminal, I didn't."

Oh DIVI, the PIRA always ran, normally after killing innocent civilians. The preferred method of the PIRA being by indiscriminate bomb. The number of times the PIRA did hang around to fight they came off decidedly second best. And while boasting of your war, the PIRA trotted off to Brussels to complain about a "Shoot-to-kill" policy - what policy did your side employ, no need to answer DIVI the 2055 versus 363 over the period speaks volumes.

I dare say that you are very pleasant, personable, entertaining and likeable in the normal course of things. But please do not try to justify 2055 lives lost directly at the hands of the organisation you so vehmently defend and expect me to agree with your point of view, because, put very smply, I won't. You and your fellow volunteers murdered 2055 of your own countrymen, don't ever boast about that in my company and try to tell me what the PIRA did and what they achieved by THEIR sacrifice. I am all for the way Stan Rogers told it in House of Orange what ever you wanted was there for the taking without the loss of 3525 lives.