The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83632   Message #1592390
Posted By: Guy Wolff
28-Oct-05 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ducks Fly South
Subject: RE: BS: Ducks Fly South
Cet I concure . We gave them the best matrasses we had for the floor in the music room and not one complaint ! Molly and Rowen slepped near their feet ( At least at the begining of the evening ).
                Maddy and Elizabeth had a really great connection . They went off with an art teacher to have a look at an Alexander Calder exhibit at a local museum . Lots of stuffed animals were exchanged who are now imigrating to Briton with the Ducks .
               But to have the chance to sit and play music in quantity in the eveings was just what was needed. We actually found ourselves doing early Fairport Convention, I showed Geoff one of my faverites from the 60's : " Truck Drivers Queen" a classic . He had notes I didnt remember for Maddy Groves (Jane had every verse) and black Leg Minor or SkewBAll . Lots of Morris tunes as well . I sent Geoff home with a "Humanatone" that I hope makes it out at some aproppriate moment at the right session. Just ask and I am shore he will give you a demonstration of this inportant American traditional instroment .
               It was also great fun to hear about so many mudcatters from them .
                The perfect house guests and as we said a few minutes ago as they got in their car this will not be the last time we gett togtether.
                As always in these moments it is time to thank MAX again .. What magic can happen when like minded people get together and Max you really have made a vehicle for helping THAT to happen ..
                  All the best , Guy