The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85622   Message #1592542
Posted By: Donuel
28-Oct-05 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Snitch-gate' Indictment/s???
Subject: Libby Fibbed
The indictment boils down to 4 fibs by Libby. At most he faces a realistic 10 years and a minimum of 2 years. The bad news for Scooter is that the judge appointed to his case has the ominous nickname "Judge Longball" and is best known for handing out maximum sentences ever since the time he worked for the DEA.

Cheney seems to have given himself enough wiggle room on to evade prosecution unless Libby stabs him in the back. Cheney's Meet the Press statements are not under oath. Besides he is allowed to share classified information with others who hold a similar clearence.

In a manner of speaking the jury is still out on Rove.

What I find most interesting is the sheer irony of W's father creating the law that has scarred his son's administration.

"Anyone who exposes a covert CIA agent is the most insidious traitor of the United States!" quote GHW Bush.

"If we find out who leaked we will deal with them" Quote GWB.


This administration has their own agenda as to what constitutes an Axis of Evil. It seems that W and his Kabal considers the axis of evil to be: the Geneva Convention, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, and the truth.