The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82418   Message #1594079
Posted By: Naemanson
31-Oct-05 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Subject: RE: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Well, here in Guam Halloween is over. The young trick or treaters have gone home to pig out on candy and the older people have switched their loud stereos from spooky music to rock and roll. Wakana and I went to Gordon's house to participate in the festivities. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

The subdivision where he lives, Santa Rosa, is the focus of trick or treat on Halloween. I had heard this before but had not given it much thought. Therefore I was ill prepared when I saw cars parked along the access road into the subdivision. The cars were parked on both sides of the streets all through the place. Sereos blasted and lights flickered. Nobody waited in their homes for the kids. Everyone was at the end of their driveway with the buckets of candy. The air was filled with the scent of BBQ and under the carports tables groaned under the weight of the food. Coolers lined the sides of the driveways. The parties were in full swing.

Wakana wore a summer kimono. She looked so sweet. I had planned to do a pirate but then realized an even better routine. I took a white strip of cloth and bound it around my head covering one of my eyes. I had daubed it with red food coloring. As I walked around that night I approached costumed kids and said, in a very sincere and not at all scary voice, "Could you help me? I, I've lost my eye. Is it in your bag? Have you seen it anywhere? I really liked that eye. I sure will miss it. Etc." I had a great time talking to wide eyed children. Some even looked in their bags to see if it was in there. One rotten kid reached up and looked under the bandage to see if I'd really lost it!

(Sine most of you still have Halloween to look forward to I suggest this simple costume. You can wear street clothing and all you need is a strip of cloth and some fake blood. The juxtaposition of normal clothing and the loss of an eye makes for real horror.)

We came home with bags of BBQ and potato salad, cake and a soursap. Wakana thinks we will not have to cook for the rest of the week.