The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85514   Message #1594889
Posted By: Bobert
01-Nov-05 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Subject: RE: 2005 Getaway Reflections Here...
Hey, KT, think 'bout it this way... Rather than havin' a buddin' blues career crash and burn in 2 mintutes mine has been in a 40 year long tail spin... Now that's the blues...

So consider yerself lucky...

But, hark... I still am quite fond on the doo-woop years... Them songs bring back a lot of good memories when life was simpler and my biggest worry was making baseball practice on time...

I think the best of the doo-woop songs was "Blue Moon"... It had more twists than them Bush administartion tryintg to explain exactly why we invaded Iraq (bad Bobert, take it below the line...)...
