The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85957   Message #1595639
Posted By: robomatic
02-Nov-05 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
Subject: RE: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
I listen to a lot of female artists who are not necessarily into man bashing. Mind you, if I come to the conclusion that the artist is 'only' into man bashing, or woman demeaning, I tend to lose interest rapidly. If you ever saw "Say Anything" there is a graduation party where a girl has brought her guitar to sing song after song about the boy who broke up with her. It's understandable, but hard to maintain interest.

I once did a student DJ stint in Anchorage. I came on in the night following a guy who did a show of all female artists. After he did his end roll and turned the board over to me I would see him through the studio window sitting at one of the station internet computers monitoring lesbian chat sites. Regardless, he alerted me to two things, my propensity to scratch CDs and the vast quantity of good female performers and vocalists.
(Quick sound effect of Dan Bern doing "Chick Singers")

One thing that has also appealed to me and is apparently traditional: Men singing songs from the female point of view and women singing vice versa. These times in our prurient yet straitlaced culture in America I notice that performers tend to change the pronouns of the song to make it suitable to the opposite sex (of the singer). But some singers just sing it. My favorite modern example is the male group Jawbox doing a testosterone laden bellow of Tori Amos' "Cornflake Girl". My all time fave is Bing Crosby with the Paul Whitehman Orchestra singing "There Ain't No Sweet Man Worth The Salt Of My Tears."

In my book humor and creativity trump sex-linked themes. Though it seems incredible at times, men and women ARE the same species.