The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85957   Message #1596218
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
03-Nov-05 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
Subject: RE: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
Hi there I have heard some of Rockhens stuff on the radio and she can write great songs.
She is also a very aproachable performer and great keyboard player and good accordionist.
I however do think that as she is a very definatly female person there is a lot of her own personality and her emotions in the songs which after all can only reflect the person who wrote them.
If you are a caring and thoughtful person that puts enough of yourself and your experience and thoughts into a song to make it worrthwhile listening to then it can only reflect your own character in some way.
Then there are sugary sweet naff songs that appeal to teen girls and anxt ridden rock dirges that teen guys get of on and formula songs written to exploit these and other groups of victims
I look at a car wreck and see blame fault and expense rockhen sees suffering long term pain and the potential for personal loss.
Marc Almond has interperated some classic songs in his own inimitable style and they are very much mens songs but they aquire an undeniable homo erotic nuance in his interpretation.
This is a very good question and deserves thoughtful answers.