The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16732   Message #159627
Posted By: catspaw49
07-Jan-00 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Original intent of healing circle
Subject: RE: BS: Original intent of healing circle
Give it up Peter........Ain't nobody gonna' change nobody and more's the pity. I had a reply to this thread, rehashing my earlier post and yours, but I wanted to wait until I saw Banj's reaction to "miserable git."

Actually Banj and Peter are kind, considerate and humane, human beings. Neither would intentionally step on another person's religious toes. Banj, Peter, Kat, Rick, Mick, Leej, Jeri, Seed, Art, Sandy, Allen, Alan, alison, bbc, Duane, and about a hundred or more others did in fact sweat bullets for me back in May. Perhaps one of the best things they provided was support to Karen and a way for her to focus on something other than her disbelief over what was happening to me. She had threads readily available to her that she read every day. She's a lab tech and knew the medical situation, but her need at that time was spiritual. For that support alone, I will always be in their debt.

We are all far more aware of the "religious" issues at this point. Jon my friend, I DO understand. The "Healing Circle" was to me more of a prefix to allow people to know the content of the thread. I state once again, as Peter has......I will continue to post as I see fit to send best wishes or support to anyone here. I'll also say Happy Birthday, Congratulations or whatever if I'm so inclined. YOU may choose to do so too or choose not to post to such threads. Your choice. Privacy can always be requested and indeed such is the case with one of our number at this time. The argument about too much BS is simply that...BS. Max's new search engine makes the forum completely accessible whether you wish to look up Cletus or CarrickFergus, Amazing Grace or POSSUMS!!! Or maybe you want to read the posting of that miserable git, Banj.
