The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85957   Message #1596861
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
03-Nov-05 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
Subject: RE: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
It depends what you mean by us guys.
Men have been opressed by society and biology since the dawn of time
and now the "womens" movement,which has become a part of the esablishment, is turning the screw ever tighter.
I dont wanna be a work horse,killer,torturer,i wanna be a person that can be nice to others without ulterior motives.I will cry when I see children suffering on the news or hear a sad song I dont need some vicious man hater to call me a rapist I love and respect all my fellow humans and I dont need any ones permission to do any of these things and dont expect to be asked for my aproval by other people.
Songs are the best communiction we have,music can travel across barriers and carry messages like no other form of human to human contact.
When I listen to a song from somebodies heart and mind that is the nearest I can ever hope to get to really understanding another person.
It is the only chance I ever want to understand a womans perspective on life so I am glad there are "womens"songs and mens songs to listen to.