The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86017   Message #1597129
Posted By: greg stephens
04-Nov-05 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat's most popular musician
Subject: Mudcat's most popular musician
People often argue and make lists on "who is the best"type topics. Well, let's look at this statistically, and not as a matter of opinio. I've just done a (very rough) count on a few sample names, to see who has generated the most Mudcat threads. In terms of threads that actually name musicians, the fairly small sample of names that I counted came up as follows:
Bob Dylan 190+
Woody Guthrie 90+
Leadbelly 50+
Nic Jones 40+

I counted the first three, on the basis that I guessed one of them would be the overall winner, and threw in Nic Jones to see where a sample English performer might fit in. So if anyone else is feeling nerdy enough to count up any other favourite name for interest, and put the results here: feel free. I suppose a more intereesting figure might be the total number of posts, but that would take too long(unless there's some kind of way of using the computer to do it?).